Letter: Politicians must represent majority

I am very sad to receive these emails about the great Subaru Western Triathlon Series on TSN being held somewhere other than in Sooke.

I am very sad to receive these emails about the great Subaru Western Triathlon Series on TSN being held somewhere other than in Sooke.

This was a very good thing that we had going for Sooke, and it was let go by our politicians because of protest from a few people (if I understood this properly)!

I followed the Tour de France on the news, and the roads are closed  for this event in England (this year) and in France, for not just a day or two or three hours, but way longer, allowing everyone in the crowd to enjoy it greatly!

A real economic boost for a region. We let it go.

A question that needs to be asked to any one running for the election in November: What would you do if confronted with this problem, and how would you make a decision for the good of the majority of the people in our community versus a small group of people?

We have witnessed over the past few years decisions in Sooke made for the small groups versus the majority more often than democratically expected.

Frederique Philip,



Sooke News Mirror