LETTER: Politics and religion should never be linked

Are we going to become a country like America where to run for office you need to believe in creationism and deny global warming?

I wasn`t impressed when I read that Ward Draper announced that he is running for council in Abbotsford and now comes word that Ms. Gerda Peachey is also making a run for a seat on council. Undoubtedly she will bring her moral majority fan club with her and that is a big problem for me.

Politics and religion should never be linked, especially when they are linked to the more literalist, fundamentalist views held by some. Are we going to become a country like America where to run for office you need to believe in creationism and deny global warming?

Of course, there would be no guarantee that even Draper and Peachey would agree on everything. Probably both will have their own “truths,” which is something that has always bemused me about true believer. They only believe in their ideas about religion and not the other guy’s.

Draper only thinks he does good works for the poor but any church like his that I`ve known has only shown people that Jesus forgives them so they can just keep on doing the same destructive things in their lives.

Progressive and moderate churches should reject both these candidates, as would my fellow skeptics. On this issue of allowing a religious agenda onto council, I have no problem supporting those moderate churches in pushing back the reactionary ideas that Ms. Peachey, for one, has made a history of supporting.

Robert T. Rock


Abbotsford News