Letters to the editor.

LETTER: Politics, greed are killing region’s watershed

The latest assault on our environment is taking place on Beaver Creek again…

To the Editor,

Well, people of this once beautiful Alberni Valley, we are still allowing politics and greed to destroy our water resources and watersheds.

The latest assault on our environment is taking place on Beaver Creek again, where a major medical cannabis operation is being built—will they suck up what little water is left?

Coho salmon already do not have enough water to reach their spawning grounds up the Beaver Creek. Where are the federal fisheries people that are supposed to regulate the water rights and usages?

I may be just a dumb old logger but I still live in the district and Beaver Creek runs through my property. This project must be stopped.

I think there should be a general meeting called at the Beaver Creek Hall as soon as possible.

Wayne Crowley,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News