Letter: Poor bylaw decision

Wendal seems upset! And, do you blame him? What, was council thinking? Or, were they thinking? Did they make a mistake? You be the judge.

Re: “Mayor irate over decision made in his absence.”

Wendal seems upset! And, do you blame him? What, was council thinking? Or, were they thinking?  Did they make a mistake? You be the judge.

A definition of “Mayor” is, “The head of government of a city, town, or municipal corporation.” I personally would add to that “a leader.” I have great respect for our Mayor Milne and wonder what happened. Should we (the people) of Sooke be suspicious?

On July 14, the third reading of Bylaw 596 and 597 passed with the mayor and Councillor Reay opposed and with Maja Tait (absent) but expressed her opposition prior. Then on July 21 before the final step, the adoption of the bylaw, it was rescinded due to an error on other properties, so a revised first and second reading was brought forward with the same (for and against) result. And it now it goes for a public hearing in September. So, it’s not a Bylaw … yet? On July 24, a Special Council Meeting was held where the mayor said he was using his authority to bring this back for reconsideration.

Earlier, in Mayor Milne’s absence, a decision was made to allow a waste management transfer station on Idlemore without bylaw, permits and/or zoning. What, are you kidding me? Could it have waited until the mayor returned? If so, the question is … why wasn’t it? Could this have an affect on the November 15 election? I think it might.

I’m not saying I’m in favour or against the outcome. But, I do agree with the mayor’s statement, “that elected officials only have one or two things in life and that’s integrity and the perception of honesty” adding in summary “being up front with people.”

I’m sure that’s exactly what Sooke residents want. That’s what they hope for, when they vote. I wish Wendal would reconsider his decision of not to seek re-election in the upcoming election. He has been good for all the people and the businesses of Sooke and still could be.

Many years ago, my father told me that I should give every person, I meet and come in contact with, my respect without question. But, he added … if they lose that respect, it’s up to them to earn it back.  Some have had enough chances. If it doesn’t serve any practical purpose, it serves no purpose.

I hope there’s some new honest faces coming forward for council in the next election. It has sparked my interest.

Kel Phair



Sooke News Mirror