
LETTER: Port Alberni pool plan taking too long

Great news, as city council is committing funds for a new aquatic centre…

To the Editor,

Re: Port Alberni sets tax rates for 2021, AV News, April 21, 2021

Great news, as city council is committing funds for a new aquatic centre.

“Splash Down 2188” is soon to be displayed on the Echo Centre marquee for the grand opening ceremony of the new aquatic centre, as it will take 167 years at $150,000 per year to save for a $25 million pool in today’s dollars.

So hold off on purchasing your new swimsuit and yearly pass, as it may only be your great-great-great-grandchildren that will one day enjoy a new city pool.

Gerry and Leslie Walerius,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News