LETTER: Praise for Langley volunteers well deserved

LETTER: Praise for Langley volunteers well deserved

Kari Medos notes that each recipient of a Langley Township volunteer award is 'truly deserving.'

Dear Editor,

I was privileged to attend the Township of Langley Awards evening on April 7.

It was quite humbling to be in a room filled with so many dedicated volunteers.

I would like to extend my congratulations to Kirsten Charlesworth (winner of the Eric Flowerdew Award), to Dave and Candace Johnson (winners of the John and Muriel Arnason award) and to William Karpan (winner of the Pete Swensson award).

I would also like to congratulate all nominees. Each of you truly deserved this award and I congratulate and thank you all for your volunteerism.

Not only was I fortunate enough to attend this evening of recognition, I’ve also been on the nomination committee for the past few years.

We are the team that sends out notification for nominations, then ensures that each nomination package sent in to us is complete.

The nomination form is quite detailed because our volunteers are involved in so many activities and we don’t want to miss knowing about any of the things they do.

It may seem overwhelming to put together a nomination package and that is why our group of volunteers exists – to assist with nominations.

For a nomination, we need a completed nomination form listing the volunteer activities, how long they’ve been doing them and two to three letters of support as well as newspaper clippings, if there are any.

We recommend that if you know someone who you feel should be recognized, start documenting all the great things they do now, including how many hours a week they volunteer, what they do, and the number of years they’ve been doing it.

Then when it’s time for the nominations, you’ll already have all the information we need.

Kari Medos, Langley

Langley Advance