LETTER: Praise for local author

Letter writer praises local author's novels for ease of reading

I want to let people in the South Okanagan know that we have an author in our area who writes books that are great reading for people like me who have learning disabilities.

I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which means I can lose track of the story in a regular novel and it can take three months for me to read one, and even then I might not fully understand it.

In the past year I discovered the books of Penticton author David H.E. Smith. He writes in such a unique way that I read the books quickly, I can’t put them down, and I understand and enjoy every part of them.

Mr. Smith has published six novels and at the moment I’m almost finished reading the fifth one.

There are many reasons why his books connect so well with readers, and particularly with me, having ADHD.

The setting for much of his action is in Penticton or the South Okanagan, often including real people and places, so I can relate to the stories. I often know the landmarks, buildings, lakes or mountain roads he’s talking about and his characters think the way I think. In a couple of the books they also talk the way real people on the street talk – they get a bit vulgar, but that is reality on the street.

Mr. Smith has a really light, conversational writing style and repeats the names of people as his books go along – all of which makes it easy to follow the characters and stories, and I absorb the information.

He writes with so many details that he holds your attention. You can really picture what he’s talking about.

Mr. Smith’s books are also really funny. He has a great sense of humour and puts a lot of jokes and laughs in his stories. They also include a lot of fantastic, amazing story lines.

I think if local people read Mr. Smith’s novels, especially people with ADHD or other learning disabilities, they’ll get a lot out of his books.

Bernie Aigner, Penticton


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