LETTER: Praising all the benefits of 4-H

Every parent wants their child to have an inquisitive mind, follow their heart, be capable of overcoming obstacles and make healthy choices.

Head, heart, hands and health; the four Hs that make up the program whose mission is to inspire, educate and develop youth into empowered community leaders.

Every parent wants their child to have an inquisitive mind, to follow their heart, to be capable of overcoming obstacles and to make healthy choices.

4-H helps youth discover their passions and cultivate their self-confidence, as well as connecting them with caring mentors in their community.

If your child is between the ages of six and 21, and loves animals, photography, gardening or mechanics, then 4-H is the program for them.

Members have the chance to choose a project, and spend the year learning about it and caring for it. Some of the most popular projects are horses, beef or dairy cattle, dogs, sheep, photography and more.

A common misconception is that you have to live on a farm to be in 4-H, but the program is here to accommodate you.

I have been in 4-H since I was nine years old, and during that time I have met life-long friends and have blossomed from a shy kid to a confident young woman, a 4-H B.C. ambassador and a youth spokesperson for the program.

As a first year university student, I know that 4-H has prepared me to take on my future by giving me a good work ethic, an open mind and strong public speaking skills.

It is clear when you talk to any of the volunteers who make 4-H possible that I am not the only one who feels this way; we all support the program because we truly believe it is changing the lives of kids all over the world, and we hope you will join us.


Hallie Bryant

4-H B.C. Ambassador


Mission City Record