LETTER: Premier earns failing grade

Letter-writer 'very annoyed' with premier's handling of the teachers’ dispute

I am very annoyed with Christy Clark’s handling of the teachers’ dispute.

In 2002, she was the education minister and tore up a legal and binding agreement with the teachers’ union. She caused the current problem and now refuses to fix it.

This is a history lesson: If you fail to learn from history you are doomed to repeat the same mistake. Presently, the B.C. Liberals are ignoring the judicial system. What Christy Clark did is illegal and must be corrected.

Second history lesson:  The future will judge her past performance.

If I were a member of the Liberal Party, I would demand a leadership review. It is unfortunate that she is a single mom, but fortunately she has power, privilege, a huge pay cheque and can afford to send her child to private school. I am certain that most single mothers would love to have her options.

What kind of lesson is Christy Clark teaching our children? What kind of lesson is she teaching her child?

Hopefully, through diplomacy, compromise and negotiation she has the courage and wisdom to correct her problem.

In the meantime, all of British Columbia’s children in the public education system, are being punished. All of Canada is watching a shameful display of obstinacy.

Call it “old schooling” but when we were  in school we learned: “If you create a problem, you must be part of the solution.” Anything else is just poor behavior and deserves a failing grade.

Art Bickerton, Victoria



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