Former Liberal MLAs Doug Bing and Marc Dalton campaigned against proportional representation. (Contributed)

Former Liberal MLAs Doug Bing and Marc Dalton campaigned against proportional representation. (Contributed)

Letter: Premier has ‘no clue’ on PR

Or Horgan is deliberately hiding his intentions.

Editor, The News:

While listening to the debate on proportional representation, one thing became crystal clear to me.

Premier John Horgan was asked numerous times by opposition leader Andrew Wilkinson how this convoluted, proposed plan of the NDP was going to pan out, but not once did he have an answer.

In fact, he very obviously avoided anything that could get him in a bind.

He, therefore, does not have a clue, or worse, he is deliberately hiding his intentions, meaning that he must have a hidden agenda that we must not know about.

As for me, there is no way I could vote for such a proposal. So to be clear, I am voting a resounding no.

For those who are still not sure, from all the conversations I have had on this, be assured that if you vote no, you will be on the winning side.

Walter Verwoerd

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News