Letter: Prescription air miles and loyalty points are at risk

The College of Pharmacists board raised the issue…they backed off knowing there would be no support…prior to the election.

To the editor:

British Columbians are at risk of losing their air miles/loyalty points on prescriptions—the ‘Loyalty Points Police’ are at it once again.

The College of Pharmacists board raised the issue of no loyalty points for prescriptions just prior to the May 2013 provincial election.

However, they backed off knowing there would be no support from the health minister prior to the election.

Subsequent to the election, the college board (12 members only) had voted and passed their own bylaw, which would effectively take away bonus or loyalty points from every British Columbian who collects them when purchasing prescriptions.

How can that be?

They say it is unprofessional and unethical to allow loyalty points on prescriptions.

I have written B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake on this issue.

The response I received (on his behalf) said that the ministry was not a party to the college board’s decision.

The letter went on to say “the ministry will have 60 days after the College Board files its bylaw amendments to review the changes before they come into force automatically in accordance with the legislation, to ensure the changes are consistent with the authority of the College…”

The college filed its new bylaw on Oct. 3, so people must act quickly.

Email or write Terry Lake at hlth.minister@gov.bc.ca and Premier@gov.bc.ca as well as your MLA and let them know how you feel about the college’s interference.

The words “into force automatically” are alarming to me as they should be to every British Columbian.

We do not want to hear our premier or the health minister say that there is nothing they can do.

Perhaps these regulatory bodies need set parameters—ie., how far reaching their authority should be.

This really has nothing to do with professionalism or ethics. I believe it is simply selfserving on the part of the college board.

So much for free enterprise in B.C.

Alan Baldwin,



Kelowna Capital News