LETTER: Prices a deterrent for people wanting to shop local

I've read the Grand Forks Gazette's article on shopping local but feel it's time to express my opinion about the prices some shops charge.


Re: Tax exemption increase worries businesses (story, April 18 issue of the Grand Forks Gazette)

I have been reading all the articles regarding shopping local and how important it is, however, I feel it’s time to express my opinion as a shopper who cannot afford to pay the prices that some local shops charge.  Retired people, in general, are quite limited as to what they can spend.

Some businesses are upset at the government’s decision to increase the tax exemption for cross border shopping, and yet I have visited some stores and have found prices more than I can afford.

Concern is expressed that tariffs are 18 to 20 per cent but when I compare the cost from across the border, the difference, in some cases, is double the price.  If the variation were not so huge, perhaps more people would shop locally.

I can certainly understand the fact that stores need to make a profit but when prices are double, it is not within my budget to pay these prices.

I have worked all my life, and am certainly not prepared to give all my income to support establishments that seem to be setting their prices out of reach for me.

Grocery shopping is the main reason I shop across the border and the same scenario holds true.

I have gone to local establishments and bought four bags of groceries for $150 and then bought like articles across the line and paid $75 to $100.  Not hard to figure out why I buy my groceries across the line.

I am all for supporting local businesses, and believe you me, I have tried, however, I cannot rationalize spending all my money to shop local and having nothing left over for some little pleasures in life, that I have worked all my life to be able to do.

Perhaps, if businesses lowered their prices a little, they would get much more support.

Dorris Froese, Christina Lake

Grand Forks Gazette