Letter: Principals should be earning their pay now

Since the principals are paid more than $100,000 a year, why are people not bringing their kids to school for them to babysit those kids?

To the editor:

I am a senior, and an angry one at that.

Seems the government is allowing principals and administrators to go into the schools to do nothing all day.

How can they have anything to do now when they did all their paperwork during the two weeks they had no students and teachers in June?

That means, as a taxpayer, I am paying for the electricity and air conditioning or heat to heat a school that is not in session.

That’s ridiculous. Since the principals are paid more than $100,000 a year, why are people not bringing their kids to school for them to babysit those kids? At least they’d be earning those huge wages.

Another thing, did you know that most CUPE workers are being paid to sit at home? To do nothing, they get full wages. That was a deal they made with Christy Clark. Shouldn’t they be giving back that $40? They don’t need daycare then, do they?

I think the principal wages and the $40 paid to CUPE members should be put back in the system.

Kelvin Greenough,



Kelowna Capital News