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LETTER: Progress Chilliwack school trustees are doing their job

To say otherwise is to not understand the role of government officials

Progressive school trustees are not difficult, they are dissenting and that makes them notorious. Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent her later years on the Supreme Court of the United States dissenting views, cases and laws in order to guarantee equal and fair representation of everyone she served. To dissent means to challenge the status quo. It is democracy. It is for the people all people to be acknowledged and represented in government.

During the later years, Ginsburg found herself further left of centre as new Supreme Court Justices were nominated to the court. This exact situation is what is happening with our Chilliwack school board. However, the power struggle from the right and the disregard for respectful debate and childish behaviour on social media and in meetings makes a mockery of dissension. Dissension is necessary for equality. It is necessary for fair representation. It is necessary for human rights. It is not an inconvenience or an annoyance or some evil plan to overthrow Christian values. It is acting on behalf of the entire community and be their voice. The progressive trustees are doing their job at a municipal level. To say otherwise is to not understand the role of a government elected official. To say they are difficult is weak and petty.

They are anything but “notorious” and history is being made here in Chilliwack.

Shelley Goerzen

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Chilliwack Progress