LETTER: Project too large for location

There are well educated, informed town people who are practically screaming at council about the Banks Crescent development proposal

Dear Editor:

Re: Banks Crescent development proposal.

There are well educated, informed town people who are practically screaming at council that this project is too large a project for this location. The risks are too many and too high.

The Fish Hatchery

Red Zone

Environmentally sensitive areas


Traffic (40 times the traffic that is on these roads today)

Densification (60 times what Lowertown is now)

There are many more.

This group of concerned citizen has been presenting fact after fact that seems to simply be ignored.

It appears many of you have already made up your mind to approve this project.

This council is behaving just like the preceding council with the land swap proposal in that they believe this development is in the best interests of the town but they are not listening to the people.

The difference this time is that the next council will be unable to rescind the development because it will already be started.

Mayor Peter Waterman said in November on CHBC news that although he was in favour of this development, “ultimately the community will decide.”

The community has spoken over and over again to no avail. You are not listening to your constituents.

If this project goes ahead, the negative impact to residents of Summerland in general and Lowertown in particular will have long lasting effects that cannot be reversed.

The people of Summerland who are opposed to this project are petrified, and I mean petrified because they know and understand the negative impact it will have on them and all others in the area.

This is what you have created council by showing such strong support for this project.

Brian Wilkey



Summerland Review