LETTER: Proportional representation campaign merely a huge expense

LETTER: Proportional representation campaign merely a huge expense

Having devoted $14.5 million in an abortive attempt to a fundamental change in our provincial electoral system only to find that political stunt to have failed miserably; perhaps the leaders of the New Democratic and Green Parties may soon be given a lesson in laws governing election expenses.

Having devoted $14.5 million in an abortive attempt to a fundamental change in our provincial electoral system only to find that political stunt to have failed miserably; perhaps the leaders of the New Democratic and Green Parties may soon be given a lesson in laws governing election expenses.

One hopes that someone with time and money on their hands will be prompted to bring this latest caper which was designed clearly to give political advantage to the Green and New Democratic parties before the courts to ensure that all the expense which those responsible have incurred is apportioned between their parties over the next general and/or municipal elections, until the full amount has been repaid into the provincial exchequer.

Whilst on the subject of public expenditure the foolish waste of public funds should be countered by new legislation at both municipal and public level to counter the iconoclastic tendencies of revisionist historians working in public office.

Ralph Smith


Saanich News