LETTER - Proportional representation is a socialist ploy

LETTER – Proportional representation is a socialist ploy

Dear editor

Dear editor

Proponents of proportional representation say they want every vote to count.

What they really mean is they want every socialist vote to count. Rarely able to convince enough voters to endorse their destructive ideology and get power using the existing system, they want to change it. Between the environmental extremist socialist Greens, and the tax and tax socialist NDP, they think they will always have enough votes to form the government. Since they will design the new vote system, they’re right. The NDP/Greens wouldn’t be having this referendum if they did not think it would benefit them.

This rigged referendum on voting is the socialist left’s attempt at permanent power. A fair vote would have listed all the options and said “pick one.” Having failed twice trying that, they aren’t making the same mistake again. Conducting the vote in conjunction with the recent municipal elections requiring photo ID would have assured there was some control on who is filling in these ballots.

The NDP/Green government has openly stated it wants to get rid of the existing system, and they fund the people running the referendum. Whatever will replace it is undefined. A vote for proportional representation in this referendum is handing our future to Horgan and Weaver unchecked, but the fix is in. We are getting proportional representation and permanent socialism until the province is wrecked.

Venezuela voted for socialism 20 years ago. Free stuff for everyone until, as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said, “They ran out of other people’s money.” Once one of the world’s richest countries, the people who voted for this, along with everyone who didn’t, are now starving. They are hunting rats to try and survive, except for the rulers and their families who are multi-billionaires. Government goon squads are arresting, assaulting, or worse, anyone protesting the current conditions. Hospitals have no supplies and the judiciary is a rubber stamp for the government.

I will vote to keep the existing system. It won’t make any difference, but maybe I’ll feel better while I look for tasty rat recipes. RIP British Columbia.

Bill Metner,


Comox Valley Record