Letter: Proroguing parliament a bad habit to get into

Parliaments in Ottawa, Toronto and Victoria “enable” the enactment of controversial legislation by proroguing parliament.

To the editor:

In 1933 the German government passed the Enabling Act. It gave the ruling party the power to enact laws without the Reichstag (parliament).

Lists were made of opposition members and many were sent to Dachau—the first concentration camp of the Third Reich.

Parliaments in Ottawa, Toronto and Victoria “enable” the enactment of controversial legislation by proroguing parliament. Lists of opponents are made. An informed electorate and a vocal opposition are not welcome.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill said this about a healthy democracy: “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage is also what it takes to sit and listen.”

Many courageous Canadians died in the Second World War standing up to a dictatorial government.

It would be a tragedy for Canada if our elected governments are cowards.

Dave Jones,



Kelowna Capital News