
Letter: Protect our old growth trees

Forest conservation must be the priority

Protect our old growth trees

Council members,

It is becoming abundantly clear that our municipal forests are so important to our sustainability in our valley, the decision to stop logging them is an inevitable decision.

The alternative uses and protection of our forests completely outweigh any logging activities.

We have a very rare opportunity to do the right thing for our forests. Taking the issue of protecting our forests a further step would be to designate them as parkland. Along with carbon sequestration and tourism opportunities we as a community could be a model for other forests, private and Crown land, incorporating our model to help fight climate change.

Forest conservation must be the priority which would be management for the future of the forests. Unlike the management of the past which allowed tree farming and the cutting of the all important old growth trees.

Thank you for reading.

Bryan Senft

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen