LETTER: Provide a campsite for homeless

The question is, 'What do the homeless want/need?'

Re: Homeless issue

The question is, “What do the homeless want/need?”

From what I can gather, they want a place to call home without being criticized for the way they live.

They need a roof over their heads to protect them from the elements. They need accesses to a bathroom and clean water. They need a way to cook for themselves and stay warm. They need the socialization, counselling and interaction with other individuals.

They are human beings who need our help and support.

Finding some kind of shelter with land to help the homeless should be fairly easy as there is still plenty of land available in Abbotsford. As I pass by all the land across from the existing shelter on Riverside Road, I question the government for not doing enough to help the homeless.

A group campsite would be ideal and we could provide the site with fresh water and toilets. Provide an open but covered area with tables for socializing and comfort, plus a stove for cooking and keeping them warm.

If necessary, the perimeter of the camp could be fenced to prevent predators from stealing valuables. This would also serve a purpose to stop the camp from eroding onto other private properties. The area should be peacefully patrolled regularly to prevent excessive noise and sanitary control.

Our parks could then be returned to families. Taxpayers will feel a reprieve from constant cleanup costs. Homeowners will be relieved that they have security within their homes once again. And the homeless would have a place to call home.

We can all live peacefully with one another if we get a little cooperation from the government. The only action we need is caring enough to do something positive, because this situation is only getting worse.

Val Holroyd

Abbotsford News