LETTER: Public education going downhill

Reader Rod Retzlaff wonders how many children of MLAs go to private schools.

LETTER: Public education going downhill

Michelle Mungall’s editorial “Back to class deserves better investment” is only half right. It is true that our public education system is chronically under funded. The private education system however has been receiving substantial increases in government funding.

What kind of school do you think Christy Clark’s children attend, public or private?

It is a fundamental human desire to try to make sure that “your” offspring thrive, and of course they have a better chance of doing well if you limit the competition. If your own children get a good private education, and the other children get a poor public education, success for your offspring is much more likely.

I would like to know how many children of MLA’s from each party go to private school as opposed to public school. Perhaps that statistic would explain why the NDP seems so reluctant to point the finger at Christy Clark’s educational choices, and why our public education system is going downhill while the private education system is on an uphill slope.

Rod Retzlaff


Nelson Star