Letter: Public hearing did not hear from public

I see it as a lack of due process if any councillor supports or rejects a motion without first reading all the associated documents.

To the editor:

After attending the Kelowna Council public hearing, Nov. 4, 2014, on the proposal to expand the dock at Mission Shores, I wish to express my disappointment in the proceedings. There is an expected protocol for public input at hearings, but it appears that it was not followed.

When citizens wish to have input on issues, they are required to submit their written points of view by 4 p.m. the previous day of the scheduled hearing in order to allow council members time to read the submissions. However, after meeting this deadline and listening to councillors discuss the Mission Shores dock expansion, they failed to mention most of my written concerns—appearing as if they had not read my document.

Further, I see it as a lack of due process if any councillor supports or rejects a motion without first reading all the associated documents, both pro and con. Such a failure appears to have occurred at this public hearing as my submitted concerns were never referred to by any councillor or the mayor. It appears that this council’s agenda to support business development, dominates concerns over public safety, environmental pollution, public health, recreational enjoyment, supporting a more ‘green’ agenda and protection of unique natural features.

I bring this issue forward at this time to suggest that the public consider some of these goals while listening to the political speeches of the candidates who wish to form our next council. I think these issues are all very important to this generation, and more importantly, to future generations, than putting more dollars in the pockets of the already wealthy.

Peter Dill,



Kelowna Capital News