
LETTER: Public should provide feedback on Mission’s proposed budget

Writer feels more community push back is needed to stop annual property tax increases

It’s budget time again at city hall. The public is once again invited to provide some feedback on budget priorities. I have sent in my feedback wondering it will make a difference.

I am feeling more community push back is needed to stop what are regular scheduled annual property tax increases.

Bureaucrats and elected officials cannot continue to use the taxpayer as an unlimited supply of funding. The proposed property tax increase this year is 3.6 per cent. Just for once it would be nice to see the city keep a tax increase tied to the rate of inflation.

Based on the national consumer price index, annual inflation is less than one per cent at .7 per cent.

Why are we being asked to consider a tax increase more than 300 per cent over the cost of living. Did the average Mission resident’s paycheque go up by 3.6 per cent? How can we afford to keep paying more and more tax increases? City staff and council need to sharpen their pencils and find more savings.

This is a critical time for taxpayers, the last thing we need is more tax increases in the middle of a pandemic. One of the questionable budget items covered by the tax increase is for a new position of Parks & Recreational assistant at $92,429 per annum.

Many of the city’s recreational facilities are closed, rather than hiring additional new staff we should be considering laying off staff.

Ian Mackenzie


Mission City Record