Letter: Put a moratorium on housing until infrastructure catches up, says writer

Editor: Re: ‘A dog’s breakfast of development, (The Times Feb. 24)

What is the Township doing? Langley is becoming a nightmare.

The lack of infrastructure in this city is mind-blowing, and yet every street that we drive down in Willoughby and other areas is scheduled for development with town homes and condos.

This is getting way out of hand.

Soon there will be no more green spaces left.

All the trees will be cut down, which by the way is extremely important to absorb pollution and emit oxygen.

Traffic is already a nightmare everywhere you go, and we can’t even fathom what it will be like in the near future.

We need roads widened now, not in years.  We need more green spaces and proper sidewalks and walking trails. This all boils down to common sense management.

This needs to start now.

There needs to be a moratorium on housing until infrastructure has caught up.

Carol Middle,


Langley Times