(Langley Advance files)

(Langley Advance files)

LETTER: Put art up in front of boarded up Fort Langley buildings

A writer suggest the Township flood the village with visual and performing art to mask the boards.

Dear Editor,

I’ve been reading with interest and sadness about the situation in Fort Langley with the business owner that has boarded up properties.

Interest in that I suspect that between his version of the state of affairs and the Township’s version, there is a desire on both sides to find a solution; and sadness in that the losers in this situation are the Langley residents, the other Fort Langley business owners and the visitors.

A possible short-term solution to the problem may be found in our arts community.

Since the Township owns the sidewalks in front of the boarded up buildings, perhaps visual artists could be invited to set up portable exhibits and art sales on the sidewalks and performing artists could be invited to provide live entertainment.

Langley is rich in the arts; it could be a great showcase for the artists and a celebration of our community.

The residents and visitors to Fort Langley would benefit from an engaged streetscape.

J. Edey-Nicoll, Langley

Langley Advance