

LETTER: Put wanna-be gangsters on deserted island and let them go at it. Crisis solved.

Also, families of victims must provide information to police. They are not doing any favours by protecting and hiding them.

The Editor,

Re: “Man gunned down in Cloverdale had been shot at before,” the Now-Leader online.

You probably receive quite a few letters and comments regarding the gang shootings and killings.

Well, here is another.

It seems there is a shooting every other day in the Surrey area and people are getting ticked off and fed up. However, who has the answer to this ludicrous, barbaric behaviour?

I have empathy and compassion for those affected by these senseless murders, but the families of the victims and the suspects have to start providing more information to the police. They are not doing their family or ‘friends’ any favours by protecting and hiding them.

The RCMP work extremely hard to protect the public but it seems they get no where when they seek information – and every time they use a little force, their tactics are questioned.

I have a solution only a few would agree with –gather up all these gang members with their guns, their black armoured SUVs, and their drugs then put them on a deserted island (with no escape) and let them go to it.

Crisis solved.

Bev Fenton, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader