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LETTER: Qualicum Beach drivers are quite courteous

I was shocked to read 'Your Views' comments (PQB News, Oct. 7) on bad driving habits, and can't for the life of me understand what part of B.C. they're living in.

I was shocked to read ‘Your Views’ comments (PQB News, Oct. 7) on bad driving habits, and can’t for the life of me understand what part of B.C. they’re living in.

It certainly can’t be Qualicum Beach.

Having lived here for more than two years and as an immigrant from Australia, if you want to see bad driving habits, spend some time behind the wheel Down Under.

Despite the heavy fines levied on “speedsters” people continue to flout the law in this area.

Tailgaters are rampant and police presence is everywhere. I can only surmise that these people must have a lot of money to pay their fines.

READ MORE: Your letters here

My experience in QB is completely the opposite, except for one or two instances.

Drivers are so courteous here that they pull up if you even look like you might be about to cross the road. When I’m on my bike the cars approaching behind me always give me a wide berth, as do drivers who see pedestrians on the road ahead of them.

Given my druthers, I’ll take Qualicum Beach any day.

Patricia Evans

Qualicum Beach

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