Letter: Question grant to SAFARS

It is difficult having compassion for Ms. Dominquez and her supporters after reading letter after letter.

It is difficult having compassion for Ms. Dominquez and her supporters after reading letter after letter accusing us, the citizens of Sooke, of being uncaring and irresponsible towards the abandoned, feral and abused animals in this area.

I hope her charity realizes that where ever they go they will create another “town without mercy” until they themselves change. I encourage them to stop blaming everyone, to get rid of their anger and bitterness and to take responsibility for their actions.

Just like the rest of us, they have limitations, they are not God and they cannot save every abandoned, abused or feral cat within Sooke.

Surely they must see that they have alienated themselves from the citizens of Sooke. When they attack the mayor and councillors, they attack us. When they expect the town of Sooke to give them property and money, they are asking us to financially support them. There is only so much money for charities. Give to one charity and you lessen the portion another charity will get. I’m still questioning the grant of $4,300 given to them to build a shed to house the cats they have rescued.

Feral cats do not want to be housed. They were born in this area and live quite comfortably outside in our mild winters dressed in their fur coats. They are quite capable of feeding themselves and their kittens – nothing like a big, fat juicy rat.

I wouldn’t have objected if the $4,300 grant was to help the pet owners in Sooke to feed their pets, to buy medication for them or to pay part of their owner’s vet bills.

I wish this charity and its members well in whatever decision they make. I hope that they understand that they create their own reality, they don’t have to be victims.

Good luck and God bless you and all the little critters you help.

Doreen Effa



Sooke News Mirror