Letter: Questions about child wellbeing for candidates

Use these questions about our children as guidelines when attending candidate forums.

To the editor:

The Central Okanagan community has been committed to improving and enhancing children’s health from new born to age 6 through the coalition of the Community Action Toward’s Children’s Health (CATCH).  I have had the honour of being involved with CATCH prior to a Charter being developed between all levels of government, businesses, faith community, agencies, caregivers, parents, and the general public as far back as 1999 where we promised to all work together for our children.

I believe we have the real opportunity to make our city one of the most child-friendly and healthiest places to live and visit. We must all work together to achieve this vision.

Since early childhood is such a crucial time for human development we have identified three election questions for the candidates who have put their names forward as MLAs for the provincial election to be held Tuesday May 14. Please use these as guidelines when attending candidate forums. All responses from those candidates who have responded on these questions can also be viewed at www.catchcoalition.ca .

1. If elected will your party commit to increasing investment in supports and services in order to reduce rising vulnerability among young children?

2. How will you or your party support families and child care providers with a comprehensive child care plan?

3. If elected, what will your party do to reduce wait time for young children needing early childhood intervention?

“It takes a community to raise a child.”

Sharon Shepherd

CATCH chairperson,



Kelowna Capital News