An ambulance sits outside Langley Memorial Hospital. Resident H. Cassap, who recently suffered a stroke, is filled with praise for the medical professionals — including paramedics and hospital staff at both LMH and Vancouver General Hospital — for the excellent care she received in the hours immediately  following the incident.

An ambulance sits outside Langley Memorial Hospital. Resident H. Cassap, who recently suffered a stroke, is filled with praise for the medical professionals — including paramedics and hospital staff at both LMH and Vancouver General Hospital — for the excellent care she received in the hours immediately following the incident.

Letter: Quick medical response lauded by stroke survivor

Editor: We hear a lot of negative comments about our health care system. Here is a story of a miraculous performance in Langley and Vancouver.

I’ll call it, time is of the essence/miracles happen.

I was experiencing stroke symptoms. Thanks to the paramedics — Dean from Langley and his partner from Boston Bar. They were phenomenal, quick, efficient and humorous, and before I could blink I was in the ambulance on the way to Langley Memorial.

They informed Langley Memorial Hospital of my impending arrival and symptoms. Upon arriving, I was lifted and wheeled right into LMH Emergency – no waiting in the hallway.

The doctor in charge looked at me, took my blood pressure and conferenced neuroscience emergency at Vancouver General Hospital.

Immediately, the paramedics transported me to VGH, lights flashing, sirens blaring. I arrived about one and a half hours from the onset of the stroke.

At VGH, I was directly wheeled in for a brain scan and a few minutes later moved back to admitting.

While the brain pictures were analyzed, the paperwork, blood pressure, etc. was happening and Dr. Teal informed me of the medication — TPA (a fast-acting blood thinner) effective in preventing stroke damage if administered within the first three hours.  I was a candidate.

Administration was taking place and an intravenous drip was set up while the scan was read, and then the medication began dripping into my veins.

I was moved with the drip to the 5th floor – neuroscience — where I received highly efficient professional monitoring and care by the nursing staff – Shannon, Carson, Marg, Brenda, Dr. Clara, Kim, and others.

They worked seamlessly, informing and filling in when needed.

I even got a hug.

I was told that the solution will be found and I will never have another stroke.

How amazing is that? Miraculous!

Thank you Dr. Teal and team, my paramedics and LMH emergency staff. I am very grateful. You are the best!

H. Cassap,


Langley Times