
LETTER: Quit, cold turkey

From reader Matheson Kincaid

There’s a clear link between carbon pollution from fossil fuels and the record temperatures and dry conditions B.C. is now experiencing.

In this latest heatwave, 719 British Columbians passed away suddenly, three times more than normal, with heat as the significant factor in the increase.

After three days of record high temperatures, a wildfire reduced the village of Lytton to ashes, overtaking the town within minutes due to dry conditions.

Estimates suggest more than a billion seashore creatures cooked alive in the extreme heat, with huge impacts on marine ecosystems. High water temperatures could also wreak havoc on salmon runs later this summer.

Berry farmers are reporting crop losses of 50 per cent, while chicken and dairy producers struggled to keep their animals alive through the heat.

Fossil fuel projects like LNG Canada and the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion are only making this problem worse! Politicians need to stop spending public money on polluting projects and shut construction down immediately to keep us safe.

Fossil fuels are killing people and we need to quit them cold turkey.

Matheson Kincaid


Nelson Star