Letter: Rainbow flag reasoning contradictory

'How can you honour one special interest group by excluding, (not caring for) all the other special interest groups?'

Editor: New City of Langley councillor, Nathan Pachal, proposes a rainbow flag be flown year round at city hall.

The rainbow flag is a symbol adopted by the LGBTQ special interest group.

Coun. Pachal’s reason appears to be contradictory: “To honour acceptance and inclusion and to show that as a municipality we care for all our people.”

‘How can you honour one special interest group by excluding, (not caring for) all the other special interest groups?’

The City could be opportunistic and emphasize the latest greatest buzzword, “inclusive,” by hoisting a separate flag for every special interest group.

Include them all.

According to Pachal’s respect for taxpayers, they have lots of discretionary tax dollars to spread around, so why not?

They could be known as the “City of a Thousand Flags.”

It might become a tourist attraction.

Roland Seguin,



Editor’s note: Coun. Pachal’s motion was to have the rainbow flag fly for one week each year, not year-round, as the letter writer states.

Langley Times