To the editor;
Re: “‘Tough’ slogan distasteful to real mothers“
Clearly people should get a grip and show a bit of flexibility with respect to signage in our fair community.
While I doubt this is related to the sign One Tough Mother… Barinder Rasode’s signs have been devastated; reflecting a lack of respect for the values Canadians are supposed to stand for.
This should be the most troubling issue for those who believe in freedom of speech and fair elections. As well two of her party candidates have had their party name exempted on the ballot. Talk about lack of fairness.
And what about One Tough Mother? This is a sign to get attention; clearly there is more than one way to take it. I choose to take it in the vein of Tough Love. We need a bit of tough love for our fair city. I also think it shows creativity and guts; something our mayor, whomever it shall be, needs in spades.
As well, for the writer to suggest that “the better man”… Doug McCallum, is the choice, while Barinder Rasode is pandering to the safety issue, lets be real here.
Doug McCallum’s municipal party is called… “SAFE Surrey Coalition.”
Talk about pandering.
Steven Faraher-Amidon