LETTER: Rather create another slum?

The drug addicts and religious institutions seem to be voicing the opinion that Abbotsford city council is not doing enough ...

The drug addicts and religious institutions seem to be voicing the opinion that Abbotsford city council is not doing enough to “help” the drug addicts and homeless people.

What would they prefer? To turn Abbotsford into the second go-to destination in Canada for people that are extremely skilled at draining taxpayers’ pockets? Take a look at the conditions in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Would they rather Abby council create another slum for people with their hands held out demanding taxpayer-funded housing, clean needles and a comfy place to participate in illegal activities?

If the city dumped manure on someone’s private property, I’d be outraged. If it is city property, then it is our property that has been entrusted to them via a democratic election process to care for in our best interests – not to be used by individuals that expect to be cared for rather than having to work to attain what the rest of us bust our butts to get and to keep our families afloat.

If the Pivot Legal Society’s idea of Abbotsford “doing better” is throwing our taxpayers’ money into an insatiable pit that will never abate, they are kidding themselves. More and more users will come and jump on the gravy train.

Our elected officials have to learn that taxpayers are not blind, and it’s getting harder to see how little income we have left after the drain of our money being siphoned off to support people that will only hustle to get their wants and expect someone/anyone else to supply their basic needs.

Heather Campbell, New Westminster

Abbotsford News