

LETTER: ‘Raw racism?’

From reader Paul Van Caeseele

Re: “How to tell Canada and the United States apart,” Aug. 6

I was deeply disappointed with both the Nelson Star and its columnist. In his second paragraph Mr. Malcolmson clearly accused the U.S. Republican party of “raw racism” without one word of proof. He only alluded to a “southern strategy.” Whatever that means.

In that same paragraph Professor Malcolmson cites the U.S. Civil War time period but fails to inform readers of arguably the most significant proclamation in U.S. history. Republican President Abraham Lincoln ordered the freedom of all American held slaves during the Civil War.

In the 1960s house and senate Republicans voted in much higher percentages in favor of civil rights legislation than did the Democrats.

If the professor has legitimate empirical evidence of raw racism let him provide it or otherwise I believe a retraction is appropriate.

Paul Van Caeseele


Nelson Star