LETTER: Re: Following procedure

LETTER: Re: Following procedure

Coming from the oil and gas industry, where they enforce strict environmental and consultation standards while still facing intense public backlash, the regulations required of the mining industry are appalling.

Coming from the oil and gas industry, where they enforce strict environmental and consultation standards while still facing intense public backlash, the regulations required of the mining industry are appalling.

They may be “following procedure,” but those procedures are antiquated – just look at the Polley Mine disaster.

There is a group who is currently working behind the scenes to bring those regulations up to an acceptable level so that the mining industry is held to the same standards as other industries.

We all know the wheels of government turn slowly, but I’m not OK with sitting back in the meantime and letting things happen that are not in the best interests of the environment or our community.

The proponent may have engaged a “highly reputable” consultant, but are the proponents themselves?

An online search reveals a history of dumping of biosolids in the Nicola Valley. They aren’t really giving me much hope that they will be good environmental stewards, even if they are in compliance.

– Lauren Mitchell

Agassiz Observer