LETTER: Reach out to Maple Ridge Salvation Army to escape the heat

Letter writer said two neighbours died in June's heat wave, prompting her to seek out local options

Another heat wave is forecast for the community over the next few days but is not expected to reach the temperatures experienced in June. (File photo)

Dear Editor,

Maple Ridge people are dying in excessive heat.

Two Maple Ridge people I know died, unnecessarily, in the excessive heat wave. One of the people lived in my apartment building, and the other person lived across the street.

Neither person had to die, but they died alone in their sweltering apartment. I know their apartment was sweltering, because so was mine.

However, I phoned my boyfriend. His apartment is on the ground floor, it faces north and he has air conditioning, and I said two words: “move over.”

I was lucky. I had a cool place to stay and sleep during the excessive heat wave. But not all people have access to a cool place to stay and sleep during the excessive heat. So, I made some phone calls. I phoned the Maple Ridge Salvation Army, and I spoke to Mr. Mark Stuart, he is the executive director of the Maple Ridge Salvation Army.

Mr. Stuart said that the Maple Ridge Salvation Army will provide people with a cool place to stay and sleep.

He emphasized the fact that the Maple Ridge Salvation Army does not just help homeless people.

So, people do not have to suffer and die alone in their sweltering apartment. Anyone who is experiencing heat exhaustion can go to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army will provide people with a cool place to stay and sleep.

Linda Meyer, Maple Ridge


• READ MORE: B.C. deaths triple as a result of heat wave

• READ MORE: Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows see spike in sudden deaths

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