
Letter: Reaching net zero

From reader Ron Robinson

With Bill C-12 in the final steps of being accepted by parliament, it seems that Canada is finally moving toward its goal of net-zero emissions. We have seen corporate support for this action with Deep Earth Energy’s geothermal project in Saskatchewan and in Alberta the $16-million investment by TransAlta in a wind power project. These projects and others will help Canada move toward its net-zero emissions goal.

On the other hand, it has been noted that in 2020 our federal government spent close to $18 billion in subsidies and financial support to the fossil fuel sector. This does not help Canada move toward its net-zero emissions goal.

Is there a problem here when the federal government is supporting the very industries responsible for most of the GHG emissions, while some of the corporate sector are developing technologies that will help reduce that problem?

Should we all be rowing in the same direction?

Ron Robinson


Nelson Star