LETTER: Reader says people of Mission want to keep observatory

Hawes keeps digging up possible future problems with the observatory. But these are not insurmountable.

Why is Mayor Hawes so adamant about destroying the observatory when things like  letters in the Mission Record,  the results of Maureen Sinclair’s parks and recreation public opinion papers on the future of the observatory, and the backlash against Habitat for Humanity for aiding in the destruction of the observatory clearly show that the people of Mission want it?

And it is backed by the provincial government, the previous mayor and council, the Mission Rotary Club, the Heritage Park Association and a large number of volunteers.

His dislike of astrology may be influential.

Hawes keeps digging up possible future problems with the observatory. But these are not insurmountable. Isn’t that what people are elected for – to solve problems? And don’t all construction projects have structural and financial problems?

It seems apparent that his main reason is political and personal. He has an ongoing conflict with Brian Antonson, president of the Mission Heritage Association. He feels that Antonson is too far left in his operations and is going to do something about it.

And in so doing, he is crushing the dreams and anticipations of a great many people.


Brian Harvey



Mission City Record