Letter: Reader tired of deer complaints

Suggests moving to those concerned about the animals

I’m tired of reading letters from people who say they’re “sick” of the deer “problem” in Oak Bay and that their precious gardens are being destroyed by these “pests who have no place in the city.” It’s been mentioned repeatedly that we are, in fact, on their territory so I won’t harp on that point.

If people are sick of seeing deer in the neighbourhood and are scared of the risks they pose, why not move to an actual city where you won’t see any wildlife except for raccoons and squirrels (which you can then complain about). And yes, I have lived in a city and I still marvel when I see deer, even after 12 years. And yes, I have a garden that occasionally gets nibbled on by deer. Big whoop. There are bigger problems out there.

How about this? Why not appreciate that you live in a beautiful area with lots of greenery and wildlife – a place that many would absolutely love to call home. If you don’t like it, please move. I’m sick of over privileged, (mostly) old, white people constantly complaining about non-existent problems.

V. Dimech

Oak Bay

Oak Bay News