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LETTER: Reader trusts in God to keep us safe during COVID

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Dear Editor,

This is an open letter to my fellow anxious Langley citizens during this time of COVID.

Be Kind. Be Calm. Be Safe.

I’ve appreciated Dr. Bonnie Henry’s COVID slogan that is repeated intentionally and frequently to unite the people of B.C.

And yet, as the virus continues to spread, one only has to look at the comment sections under any COVID-related social media post to realize that, despite her reassuring voice, we are losing our grip on the slogan.

I, too, have erred; often grumbling, complaining, and falling short of living up to the slogan.

RELATED GUEST COLUMN: COVID-19 masks mandatory in B.C., but not everywhere

But as a Christian, I have remained calm.

Does that mean I am ignorant of the virus? No.

Do I realize that I could get sick from the virus? Yes.

Do I understand that I could lose loved ones from the virus? Yes.

But I live with the comfort of knowing that all things in this world are created and upheld by God; even viruses are under his control. My life is in his hand every day.

So, to deepen Dr. Bonnie Henry’s slogan, I share my prayer for the community of Langley.

I pray that we may love our neighbour as ourselves and in doing so we may be kind.

I pray that you will talk to God about your anxieties as the virus spreads so that you may trust him to help you to be calm.

I pray that, if it is God’s will, he will keep you safe.

Shelley Sikma, Langley


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Langley Advance Times