BC Parks can charge half the campsite fee, or up to $12 a night, for a second vehicle. (File photo)

LETTER: Reconsider fee for second vehicle at Provincial Park campsites

Revelstokian writes to minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

Honourable George Heyman, Environment and Climate Change Strategy,

I am sending this letter to you to outline a serious problem that exists with the operation of Provincial Park campgrounds in B.C.

Not so long ago there was no fee for having a second vehicle at a campsite, this is not the case now and is merely a cash grab that is having repercussions across the province.

I wish to put forward some points that are based on my view of the situation. Firstly, BC Hydro’s WUP on rivers is still covered by treaties such as the Columbia River and campgrounds in the basin and the big money was spent to enhance recreation with new boat launches and docks etc.

Secondly, anglers in B.C. may love to use provincial campgrounds, but many are avoiding these campgrounds because of the fee for a second vehicle, that is only used to launch their boat or commute into town for work and groceries.

Thirdly, I have spoken to park contractors and operators (whom wish to remain nameless) and they report being verbally and at times physically abused. The consensus I am picking up on here, they don’t like asking for this extra fee either. One reason is collection time at campgrounds is between 5 and 7 p.m., campers have had all day to enjoy their activities, many have had a few drinks, and yes, poor decisions are made when faced with an extra fee.

I fully believe that rescinding this second vehicle fee will have campgrounds filled to capacity with happy campers and a safer work environment for front line staff.

-Ed Koski, Revelstoke

Send your letters to the editor to jocelyn.doll@revelstokereview.com

Revelstoke Review