LETTER: Recycling shouldn’t be an endurance test

LETTER: Recycling shouldn’t be an endurance test

Reader C. Boyd has many questions about rural recycling.

Re: Abandoned blue bags clutter RDCK transfer station

Are the new transfer station recycle bins a safety test? Or an endurance test? While people work out a system that works, the bins raise issues.

One is a safety issue around having to handle sharp objects like can lids. Because only very small parcels of recycle materials fit through bin openings, people are pushing parcels or hand-feeding items from their blue bags. It is natural to want to do this quickly, opening the door for an accidental injury from something sharp.

The question of convenience and lifestyle accommodation is also a concern. The former open bin style allowed us to line a full-sized garbage container at home, fill it, and conveniently recycle. For me that was once in three weeks. One trip, one minute, simple.

Yesterday, I did my first planned, small bundle dump after the initial shock of having to hand-feed dozens of blue bag contents and remain conscious of sharps, into the new bin. This is like a science puzzle.

One upside is that we now can re-use all those retail shopping bags they can be recycled fill them, put them in a lined garbage container at home, bring to the recycle site, and hand feed numerous small bags into the bin. Not ideal but better than stuffing a blue bag in and completely blocking one of the only two holes.

I discovered yesterday, the round hole accommodates little other than individual glass items. But what really gets me is the rectangular shaped hole. I mean, who makes rectangular shaped garbage bins, liners or shopping bags that one can fill up and slide through that hole meant for cardboard?

C. Boyd, Nelson

Nelson Star