Letter: Referendum inflames discord in Lake Country

We need the visionaries to seize the possibilities and the realists to take those ideas and help make them viable.

To the editor:

I have never been one to voice my opinion about matters concerning my community publicly. However, I feel compelled to do so with regards to the upcoming rail trail referendum in Lake Country. Let me state upfront that I believe the acquisition of land for the rail trail is a good thing and am really excited about the possibility.

Yet, as a result of this issue, I find the polarization of our community quite troubling. Referendums tend to simplify issues and force people to either side with the Yes team or the No team. Having picked a side, we then focus solely on our point of view.  At best, we do not listen to each other. At worse, we attack and direct accusations at the other. The lasting legacy is animosity and distrust towards one another.

In Lake Country, we have people who see the unique opportunity that this rail trail will bring to our community. They have worked tirelessly to try to make it a reality and in their enthusiasm, they are plowing full steam ahead even though many of the details are not known.

Also in Lake Country, we have people who see the details and the ongoing financial demands of a growing community. They too are concerned about leaving a healthy, sustainable community for the generations to come.

Both groups should be valued and supported.

We need the visionaries to seize the possibilities and the realists to take those ideas and help make them viable. Together we can create a community which is amazing to live in, fiscally responsible and harmonious.

Nevertheless, whatever the outcome of the referendum, I hope we can respect each other’s choices and continue to build on what we have.

Anne Ing, Lake Country


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