Letter: Referendum should have been held

The taxpayer wasn’t asked for their input, we were told that it was mandatory to get a water meter, writes Elaine Lea.

When $1.3 million of taxpayers’ money is spent on water meter installation, it should have gone to referendum. The taxpayer wasn’t asked for their input, we were told that it was mandatory to get a water meter. We were not given a choice!

Having spoken to the city operations manager (Roger Huston at the time) two times about the water meters, I did not get any satisfactory answers to my questions, if certified plumbers and carpenters were being used? I was informed by the operations manager that they were water meter installers!

The other assurance I asked for, in writing, from the government and the City of Grand Forks that my husband’s medical conditions would not deteriorate further from the radiation the meters put out. I never got an answer from the operations manager.

In closing we would like to make it known that we are strictly against the water meters and the way it was handled!

Having five generations living in this town, I have seen a steady decline of services and an increase of taxation for utilities being beyond affordable for the senior citizens of this town.

– Elaine Lea, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette