Letter: Regional District bylaw total failure!

The regional district absolutely refuses to remedy any type of cleanup to derelict properties.

Plain and simple the regional district “Unsightly Bylaw Process” is a complete total failure!

The regional district absolutely refuses to remedy any type of cleanup to derelict properties. Rural areas are becoming ghetto in appearance with junk cars, automotive debris ranging from rusted car doors smashed hoods, and assorted building materials scattered every where! This has been going on for decades; the whole ordeal is extremely frustrating!

Amazingly though, the regional district is extremely comfortable with this fact and prefers to continue with a broken system. It’s a shame that today we just throw our hands in the air and say, “Oh well, we kind of tried, but it’s too much of a challenge.” The right thing to do is vigorously develop solid legislation to correct and prevent the years of reckless neglect this regional district – “unsightly bylaw” has allowed. Unfortunately, given the deficiencies purposely engineered into the current “unsightly bylaw” confirms that failure is the only option that appeals to the regional district, how can this be acceptable to anyone? I encourage others that have been failed by regional district bylaws to write in and share their experiences.


Aaron K. Thompson

Prince George



Vanderhoof Omineca Express