Maple Ridge’s Lynell Adams uses song often to spread cheer and merriment. Despite COVID, here’s a Christmas ditty she wrote and performed. (Screengrab)

LETTER: Rejoice for COVID will soon be over

A Maple Ridge woman uses song to lift spirits during the holidays

Dear Editor,

The cancellation of the Maple Ridge Caribbean Festival caused me to write the song, COVID, You Mash Up De Party.

RELATED – VIDEO: Creative response to cancelled Caribbean fest

Now, the cancellation of the Santa Parade and Christmas Haven caused me to write another song.

I would like to share the words if I may:


Christmas time is here again,

This unusual year must end!

Santa’s sleigh for the parade, parked in the shop

School bells ring, no children sing

Church doors shut, no caroling

Festivals and merriment come to a stop.



But, I’m not singing the Blues, No

I’m not singing the Blues,

I’m dressed in blue, but not the deepest hue

Cause I’m not singing the Blues


Christmas time is here again,

This unusual year must end!

Maybe I’ll send out a Christmas card or two

That’s old fashion now you see,

Social Media, it must be

Stay at home, try the Zoom, not potluck vegie stew.

Christmas time is here again,

This unusual year must end!

Let’s still rejoice, hope, sing, and pray for Peace

Peace was sent, no price was spared,

Just believe the Light that’s shared

All this gloom, red, firerie Evil, soon will cease.


PREVIOUS LETTER: Hats help Maple Ridge woman spread joy

Lynell Adams (a.k.a. UC the Clown), Maple Ridge



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