Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Letter: Remember to choose carefully

Choose carefully in the coming civic election

Penticton campaign signs are going to be restricted to 13 public spaces within 16 square feet of space in the next civic election.

I believe this council is aware that name recognition combined with these outrageous restrictions on signage could sweep the current council back into office.

When Helena Konanz was first elected to Penticton council she inundated the city with signs embedded with her picture. I estimate she had about 300 regular signs plus others at assorted sizes. Relatively unknown at the time, if she were running for the first time now, she would need 25 signs in each of the council’s new 13 locations. There wouldn’t be room for any other candidate’s signs.

Not everyone can be president of the chamber of commerce or the Downtown Penticton Association. Many candidates are relatively unknown in the community. Many work full-time, manage kids’ hockey teams, sit on the PAC boards. Quality candidates that understand their community and can bring tremendous life skills to the council table. They deserve a chance to strut their stuff.

Beware of those looking for a job. Look for those making a positive impact on their community, that are willing to make a four year commitment of service.

It takes strength of character to do what is right, to listen, debate, make decisions and readdress bad decisions when you are wrong and rectify those wrong decisions.

A good example of stubborn wrong-headed decision making is when Mayor Andrew Jakubeit signed the Trio agreement while about 900 protesters were outside city hall.

Council is there to listen and consult. Governing comes last. Adequate transparency makes council’s job much easier and very likely would have prevented the signing of the Trio contract.

Incumbents have name recognition advantage: Penticton votes for one mayor and six councillors. Most of us know one or two candidates that would make good councillors. Too many of us go to the polling station and choose an additional four randomly because we think we have to choose six. Name recognition wins and councillors and/or mayors easily get re-elected. Sign restrictions make voter choices harder.

Choose carefully in the coming civic election unless you want more of the same old same old.

Elvena Slump


Penticton Western News