LETTER: Remembering Dave Holmberg

The Abbotsford Hospice Society would like to express our sincere condolences to the Holmberg family and friends ...

The Abbotsford Hospice Society would like to express our sincere condolences to the Holmberg family and friends at the passing of Mr. David Holmberg Sr.

David Turchen, Abbotsford Hospice Society Board Chair, remembers “Dave Holmberg has been instrumental in helping the Abbotsford Hospice Society accomplish its dream of building the first free standing adult hospice in Abbotsford. Not only did he stand with us many times, he led initiatives to encourage others to support our cause. We are proud to serve our community within the walls of Holmberg House named in honour of his tremendous efforts. On behalf of the board I can’t express enough thanks to the family for his and their support over the years. Our hearts go out for their loss. We stand behind them, along with countless others of our community, and mourn his passing.”

Named for Dave Holmberg Jr., who died of cancer in March of 2011, the Holmberg family has provided so much more than just finances. Without the support and encouragement received from the Holmberg family, Abbotsford would still be the only large community in B.C. without a hospice.

We would like to take this opportunity to send our condolences to the Holmberg family and to thank them for everything that they do each day for the Abbotsford community.

Dr. Ron Kuehl, executive director of Holmberg House, Abbotsford’s Hospice, said “Dave Holmberg was not only the cornerstone donor to our capital fund drive, he was a tireless champion for our cause, intensely focused on making our community of Abbotsford a better place. His vision will continue to live on as we serve the needs of families in our community”

The Abbotsford Hospice Society

Abbotsford News