A small memorial to Rich Goulet was started at Pitt Meadows Secondary after his recent death. (Neil Corbett/The News)

LETTER: Rename Pitt Meadows school gym in coach’s honour

Rich Goulet was considered one of the provinces best basketball coaches and died recently

Dear Editor,

It is time to finally name the Pitt Meadows gym Rich Goulet Court.

If you were to ask anyone what is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Pitt Meadows basketball they would surely answer Rich Goulet.

As tributes are pouring in all over social media for the Hall of Fame Coach who just passed away at the age of 74 the entire basketball community has one question: “Why is the Pitt Meadows gym not named after him?”

Clearly School District 42 has allowed this in the past as another Hall of Fame coach from the school district, Ken Dockendorf, has the Maple Ridge gym named after him?

Dan Russell, the former Sports Talk radio show host commented, “He is on the BC Mt. Rushmore for High School basketball coaches.”

Former player Al Tuchscherer commented, “He never cut corners. It was to the max and those were really important lessons for us to see and learn growing up. He was an icon in the community.”

• READ MORE: Pitt Meadows coaching legend Rich Goulet dies
• READ MORE: Rich Goulet receives award from the prime minister

Coach Goulet was likely the hardest work high school coach this province has sever seen, and all of his volunteer work raising funds has literally paid for that gym with score clocks, backboards, chairs, artwork, etc.

I can think of no more appropriate tribute than to name the gym after him.

I would encourage everyone to contact the school district to encourage them to do the right thing. This should have been done a long time ago while Rich was living so he could have had the opportunity to enjoy it.

However, trust me he is looking down upon us, and I know that he would be so appreciative to see the court named after him.

I can hear him yelling at me now, “Eberhardt, come on, get the job done.”

I am asking that the entire community rally around coach so that we can “get the job done.”

Paul Eberhardt, past president, BC High School Boys Basketball Association


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